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The New Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Will Release on 10/25/2019. CoD MW 2019 Contains Clan Support That Clans Need. We Will Build This Clan On CoD Modern Warfare 2019. Follow Intel Here: Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 8515066067_f55c283230_o
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Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere August 1, 2019
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyThu Aug 01, 2019 7:50 am by RedKnight
As of 8/29/2019, Most of my current SoF Clan news for CoD Modern Warfare 2019 can be found on a friends SOCOMFANS website. New updates to be added here as needed.

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This Could Be Huge!
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyThu May 31, 2018 10:16 am by RedKnight
This could be great news for Modern Warfare Gamers on the PS4/5 and xBox1.

While we wait for H-Hour... if it ever gets here... and with the new WW2 Battlefield V coming this Fall and with BF1 and CoD WW2 out now... both crap games in my opinion... at least we have some hope for a great new War Shooter.  If MW4 includes any Clan Support with Custom User Private Servers... MW4 will be pure GOLD!

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Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyFri Nov 10, 2017 11:12 am by RedKnight
Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Stripping out years of feature creep, but doesn't have anything to replace it.

Steven Strom - 11/8/2017, 2:00 PM

Call of Duty: WWII certainly has some interesting timing. It has the dubious duty of returning the landmark first-person series to its titular roots at a time when any game centered on fascism, nationalism, and especially Nazism …

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CoD WW2 Fails At Multiplayer Game Play and more...
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyWed Nov 08, 2017 10:29 am by RedKnight
Sadly, this last attempt to gain my multiplayer favor pushed me away even more and I probably won’t touch the CoD series ever again...
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 8515066067_f55c283230_o
By Kyle Durant
Posted on 6th November 2017

I can already hear the fanboys crying out in unison and know this is going to be an unpopular opinion. Before you feed into your own anger, know that my …

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Loot box brouhaha
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyMon Oct 30, 2017 11:12 am by RedKnight
Loot box brouhaha: Are video games becoming too much like gambling?

Critics question whether acquiring in-game items in blind boxes constitutes gambling
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 8515066067_f55c283230_o

Both Star Wars Battlefront 2 and Call of Duty WW2 are also part of the Loot Box and Pay-to-Win action.
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 8515066067_f55c283230_o

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HEADQUARTERS... Designed by an 8 Year Old
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyMon Jun 26, 2017 10:01 am by RedKnight
Sledgehammer Games employs 8 year olds to design it's games... or something.

New Call of Duty: WWII’s Headquarters mode features revealed

Call of Duty: WWII's Headquarters option is taking several social cues from World of Warcraft.
By Nick Plessas | 06/23/2017
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Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset …

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Disappointing limitation for War mode
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyWed Jun 14, 2017 9:18 am by RedKnight
This news from E3 is not good... but it might get better before game launch. If this doesn't get better (6 vs 6 for Clans?)... CoD WW2 won't be workable for larger online War Clans like us.  Time will tell.

Call of Duty: WWII reveals a disappointing limitation for War mode

If you were expecting big-team battles, you might be a little disappointed.

By Michael Goroff | 06/13/2017 11:25 AM PT | …

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Multiplayer Will Feature Hub Worlds With 40+ Plus Players
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyWed Jun 07, 2017 9:16 am by RedKnight
Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer Will Feature Hub Worlds With 40 Plus Players, Possibly 48 Player Game Modes?
by  April 26, 2017, James Lara
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This looks to be good news for Clan Support.  More big news in June!

With the reveal of WW2 now official, Sledgehammer games have also given us a small glimpse at the multiplayer, …

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Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer Details Revealed
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyThu Apr 27, 2017 11:47 am by RedKnight
Call of Duty: WW2 Official Website
LINK:  Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 8515066067_f55c283230_o

Maybe good news for old SoF and maybe CTU members about the new Call of Duty: WWII with possible Clan Support.

Just found this.  Call of Duty: WWII has a potential of real CLAN SUPPORT. See below...

If Call of Duty: WWII has Clan Support, possible Private Servers for Clan Wars, a social …

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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare GAMEPLAY - IS IT GOOD?
Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptyFri Jul 01, 2016 9:39 am by RedKnight
Battlefield 1 looks like a BF4 remake.  I have lots of issues at present.  Maybe after BF1 is out for a few weeks... I could change my mind.  But I have to find at a new game for SoF that has good Clan Support and good Clan controllable Private Servers.  And EA/DICE seems to have left that world behind after BF3.  So... we'll see.

Cod Infinite Warfare has been taking a beating on …

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PostSubject: Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset   Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset EmptySat Feb 22, 2014 12:47 pm

Report: Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset to be announced in March
Source says people will "definitely be impressed" by Sony's Oculus Rift competitor; first look at it reportedly coming during GDC 2014 in March.
by Eddie Makuch on February 21, 2014
LINK  Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 8515066067_f55c283230_o

Sony will officially announce its PlayStation 4 virtual reality headset during the 2014 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, a source told TechRadar today. The show opens on March 17 and GameSpot will be in attendance.

TechRadar's unspecified "insider source" told the site that Sony's Oculus Rift competitor is coming along nicely. "The quality and resolution are really, really good. People will definitely be impressed with what Sony's built," the tipster said.

Sony's rumored virtual reality device for the PS4 was first expected to be announced during Gamescom in August or Tokyo Game Show in September. However, that never happened. That's because, according to the source, Sony wanted extra time to make sure the device--which still does not have a name--is ready for its official unveiling.

"Sony has deliberately taken its time to tweak and polish the headset before revealing it," the source said. This is a markedly different approach to the Oculus Rift, which has been released to developers across various stages of completeness.

Sony's PS4 virtual reality headset 2441771-sony

Of course, Sony already has a line of dedicated head-mounted displays. But this new virtual reality headset is believed to be tailored specifically for gaming purposes. Its announcement would come as little surprise, as PS4 lead system architect Mark Cerny said this month that virtual reality could be a major force in the industry over the next decade.

"The impact of virtual reality technologies could be pretty significant going forward in that time frame," Cerny said at the time.

Microsoft is also rumored to be working on virtual reality technology of its own for the Xbox One called "Fortazela," which is reportedly similar to Google Glass.

Why wouldn't Sony and Microsoft strike a deal with Oculus VR to bring the Oculus Rift to the PS4 or Xbox One? According to creator Palmer Luckey, those consoles are "too limited."
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