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Modern Warfare 2021 War Clan & Gaming News
The New Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Will Release on 10/25/2019. CoD MW 2019 Contains Clan Support That Clans Need. We Will Build This Clan On CoD Modern Warfare 2019. Follow Intel Here:
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Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere August 1, 2019
Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:50 am by RedKnight
As of 8/29/2019, Most of my current SoF Clan news for CoD Modern Warfare 2019 can be found on a friends SOCOMFANS website. New updates to be added here as needed.
This could be great news for Modern Warfare Gamers on the PS4/5 and xBox1.
While we wait for H-Hour... if it ever gets here... and with the new WW2 Battlefield V coming this Fall and with BF1 and CoD WW2 out now... both crap games in my opinion... at least we have some hope for a great new War Shooter. If MW4 includes any Clan Support with Custom User Private Servers... MW4 will be pure GOLD!
Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Stripping out years of feature creep, but doesn't have anything to replace it.
Steven Strom - 11/8/2017, 2:00 PM
Call of Duty: WWII certainly has some interesting timing. It has the dubious duty of returning the landmark first-person series to its titular roots at a time when any game centered on fascism, nationalism, and especially Nazism …
CoD WW2 Fails At Multiplayer Game Play and more...
Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:29 am by RedKnight
Sadly, this last attempt to gain my multiplayer favor pushed me away even more and I probably won’t touch the CoD series ever again...
By Kyle Durant
Posted on 6th November 2017
I can already hear the fanboys crying out in unison and know this is going to be an unpopular opinion. Before you feed into your own anger, know that my …
This news from E3 is not good... but it might get better before game launch. If this doesn't get better (6 vs 6 for Clans?)... CoD WW2 won't be workable for larger online War Clans like us. Time will tell.
Call of Duty: WWII reveals a disappointing limitation for War mode
If you were expecting big-team battles, you might be a little disappointed.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare GAMEPLAY - IS IT GOOD?
Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:39 am by RedKnight
Battlefield 1 looks like a BF4 remake. I have lots of issues at present. Maybe after BF1 is out for a few weeks... I could change my mind. But I have to find at a new game for SoF that has good Clan Support and good Clan controllable Private Servers. And EA/DICE seems to have left that world behind after BF3. So... we'll see.
Cod Infinite Warfare has been taking a beating on …
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Battlefield 1 Rent a Server Details Revealed Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:49 am
Battlefield 1 Rent a Server Details Revealed, Daily Livestreams Happening Starting Next Week
October 8, 2016 Written by Alex Co
For hardcore Battlefield fans, renting servers where you can tweak game settings, map rotation and more has been a must when holding private matches, tournaments and more. Over on the official Battlefield site, DICE has revealed a few details regarding Battlefield 1’s Rent-a-Server program. Chief among the changes is that all rental servers will now be handled by EA directly (no more third-party companies).
Starting close after launch, you will be able to rent a server through the in-game store of Battlefield 1. In the past, servers were handled by third-party companies – now, EA is providing them directly. We think this will benefit you in several ways. First off, we will be able to secure the quality of the actual hardware. Since the servers come from the same provider, it will give everyone the same uniform experience. Furthermore, if you have questions or need help, you will be able to reach out to EA Support directly instead of third party support. On a rented server, players will be able to customize gameplay aspects like server name, map rotation, game mode, various game play settings, and more. We might restrict number of game modes available at launch and gradually enable them based on feedback and other circumstances, but you can expect that we’ll keep adding customization options and UI design throughout 2016.
Additionally, DICE has also announced that starting on October 12 and running up to launch on October 21, fans can expect a two-hour livestream of Battlefield 1 from 1 p.m. PT (4 p.m. ET) to 3 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET). Yep, that means 10 days of straight Battlefield 1 livestreams! You can check out the full schedule and watch the live footage here.
Finally, there’s a couple of new Battlefield 1 teasers that give us a quick look at some of happenings in the campaign.
On a personal note....
This rented private server news, is the first good news I've heard of BF1 so far. Now I have to swallow the idea of a boring WW1 game that has half of the quality and excitement and also lacks half of the game content of a BF3 or a BF4 online war game! BF1 is the kiddie "BF Star Wars Battlefront" of the BF games. Let alone another black eye, on EA and DICE for not releasing a quality Battlefield Bad Company3 game, that is still 2 or more years away!!! And a quality online BF5 modern war game... that's now to far away in the future to even consider.
I don't know if BF1 is worth all the money that's required to own a private server and all the game parts itself. Being on EA servers... means nothing.