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Modern Warfare 2021 War Clan & Gaming News
The New Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Will Release on 10/25/2019. CoD MW 2019 Contains Clan Support That Clans Need. We Will Build This Clan On CoD Modern Warfare 2019. Follow Intel Here:
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Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere August 1, 2019
Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:50 am by RedKnight
As of 8/29/2019, Most of my current SoF Clan news for CoD Modern Warfare 2019 can be found on a friends SOCOMFANS website. New updates to be added here as needed.
This could be great news for Modern Warfare Gamers on the PS4/5 and xBox1.
While we wait for H-Hour... if it ever gets here... and with the new WW2 Battlefield V coming this Fall and with BF1 and CoD WW2 out now... both crap games in my opinion... at least we have some hope for a great new War Shooter. If MW4 includes any Clan Support with Custom User Private Servers... MW4 will be pure GOLD!
Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Stripping out years of feature creep, but doesn't have anything to replace it.
Steven Strom - 11/8/2017, 2:00 PM
Call of Duty: WWII certainly has some interesting timing. It has the dubious duty of returning the landmark first-person series to its titular roots at a time when any game centered on fascism, nationalism, and especially Nazism …
CoD WW2 Fails At Multiplayer Game Play and more...
Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:29 am by RedKnight
Sadly, this last attempt to gain my multiplayer favor pushed me away even more and I probably won’t touch the CoD series ever again...
By Kyle Durant
Posted on 6th November 2017
I can already hear the fanboys crying out in unison and know this is going to be an unpopular opinion. Before you feed into your own anger, know that my …
This news from E3 is not good... but it might get better before game launch. If this doesn't get better (6 vs 6 for Clans?)... CoD WW2 won't be workable for larger online War Clans like us. Time will tell.
Call of Duty: WWII reveals a disappointing limitation for War mode
If you were expecting big-team battles, you might be a little disappointed.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare GAMEPLAY - IS IT GOOD?
Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:39 am by RedKnight
Battlefield 1 looks like a BF4 remake. I have lots of issues at present. Maybe after BF1 is out for a few weeks... I could change my mind. But I have to find at a new game for SoF that has good Clan Support and good Clan controllable Private Servers. And EA/DICE seems to have left that world behind after BF3. So... we'll see.
Cod Infinite Warfare has been taking a beating on …
Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:33 pm
Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues
EA is getting ready to release a free DLC as an apology to players for all the BF4 problems.
December 22nd, 2013
Battlefield 4 has been through a lot of issues since launch. And while developer DICE has fixed many of the problems with countless patches, the game is still far from perfect.
After all, the first month or so with Battlefield 4 has been a nightmare, and the only compensation DICE has given to those dealing with the game has been a week long of double XP and a pistol scope.
Many players were insulted by this meager gesture for all the trouble they’ve been through with the game — spending $60 on a broken game, and another $50 for Premium.
EA and DICE have been facing a lot of heat from gamers and the press over Battlefield 4 and how it was rushed to market. Last week, game host Kevin Pereira raged about Battlefield 4, calling it “buggy bullshit”.
It now seems that EA is trying to smooth things out with those who purchased the game, and this time, it won’t be just a pistol scope.
According to a rumor, EA is getting ready to offer a free Battlefield 4 DLC as an apology to gamers. We’re not sure if this is the China Rising DLC, which most gamers have access to anyway since they pre-ordered the game, or the upcoming Second Assault DLC.
DICE has stopped working on Battlefield 4 DLC in order to fix the game, and its unknown if this will delay the release of Second Assault, which is rumored to be released next month.
EA is also facing two lawsuits over the Battlefield 4 problems, both are class-action lawsuits that allege EA misled investors about the condition of the game.
Guest Guest
Subject: Re: Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:41 pm
I hope it's the one with the new metro
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Re: Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:50 am
Rumor – New Battlefield 4 Game Modes Leaked? Combat Mission, Onslaught, and More [Updated]
David Veselka
A DICE developer who goes by the name “JBRipley” on Reddit has responded to the rumor, clarifying that these are, in fact, not upcoming Battlefield 4 game modes. Here’s what he had to say:
“Eh no, the code that was found is just a combined list of all the different game modes that Battlelog supports, which includes all the game modes from BF3 as well as MOHW.”
Thanks to MattTheMusketeerfor pointing this one out. Check out his video on the news here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdbtBv7rvB4&feature=youtu.be&a=&noredirect=1
Original Story
A list of upcoming Battlefield 4 game modes have allegedly been discovered through the efforts of one particular user digging deep into the game’s code.
As with all info extracted from game code, it should be taken with a spoonful of salt, as there is no telling if the introduction of any of these game modes will actually come to pass. In spite of this, a few of the names do appear likely, especially re-appearing game modes like Tank Superiority, Gun Master, Squad Rush and Scavenger.
Check out the original forum post below from user Th3-Chronikk:
“While Doing some really in dept JavaScript digging trying to find DLC content i have found some game modes that have place holders in the server but are not currently active. All that were not firmware to me are below with my explanation on what i think they are.
1. ”TANKSUPERIORITY” – Tanks only battle between everyone
2. ”GUNMASTER” – Not quite sure about this one maybe kind of like COD’s gun game
3. ”COMBATMISSION” – may be a game mode where you can do co-op missions for xp
4. ”SQRUSH” – Squad Rush,Squad vs each other (not sure if already avalible.)
5. ”SCAVENGER” – all possibly have to scavenge for weapons
6. ”SPORT” – Haven’t figured this one out yet. (if you think you may know more info PM or quote me)
7. ”FIRETEAM_SURVIVOR” – only one life (if you think you may know more info PM or quote me)
8. ”ONSLAUGHT” – not sure. (if you think you may know more info PM or quote me)”
Game modes like Capture the Flag and Air Superiority have already made a return through two of Battlefield 4′s latest expansions, Second Assault and China Rising, and if these findings are to be believed, it looks like more are on the way, along with some new additions.
In last year’s shooter from EA, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, a game mode called Combat Mission tasked an attacking team with planting three bombs in randomly chosen locations on the map. It was one of the more popular team-oriented modes and would be a reasonable addition to Battlefield 4′s playlist. Onslaught was a cooperative game mode originally featured in 2010′s Battlefield: Bad Company 2. “Sport” appears to be a believable addition as well, if you recall DICE Producer Daniel Matros describing Battlefield 4′s push towards eSports.
What do you think? Would you like to see the return of any of the game modes listed above to Battlefield 4?
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Subject: Re: Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues
Rumor: EA to offer free Battlefield 4 DLC for game issues