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Modern Warfare 2021 War Clan & Gaming News
The New Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Will Release on 10/25/2019. CoD MW 2019 Contains Clan Support That Clans Need. We Will Build This Clan On CoD Modern Warfare 2019. Follow Intel Here:
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Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere August 1, 2019
Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:50 am by RedKnight
As of 8/29/2019, Most of my current SoF Clan news for CoD Modern Warfare 2019 can be found on a friends SOCOMFANS website. New updates to be added here as needed.
This could be great news for Modern Warfare Gamers on the PS4/5 and xBox1.
While we wait for H-Hour... if it ever gets here... and with the new WW2 Battlefield V coming this Fall and with BF1 and CoD WW2 out now... both crap games in my opinion... at least we have some hope for a great new War Shooter. If MW4 includes any Clan Support with Custom User Private Servers... MW4 will be pure GOLD!
Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Stripping out years of feature creep, but doesn't have anything to replace it.
Steven Strom - 11/8/2017, 2:00 PM
Call of Duty: WWII certainly has some interesting timing. It has the dubious duty of returning the landmark first-person series to its titular roots at a time when any game centered on fascism, nationalism, and especially Nazism …
CoD WW2 Fails At Multiplayer Game Play and more...
Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:29 am by RedKnight
Sadly, this last attempt to gain my multiplayer favor pushed me away even more and I probably won’t touch the CoD series ever again...
By Kyle Durant
Posted on 6th November 2017
I can already hear the fanboys crying out in unison and know this is going to be an unpopular opinion. Before you feed into your own anger, know that my …
This news from E3 is not good... but it might get better before game launch. If this doesn't get better (6 vs 6 for Clans?)... CoD WW2 won't be workable for larger online War Clans like us. Time will tell.
Call of Duty: WWII reveals a disappointing limitation for War mode
If you were expecting big-team battles, you might be a little disappointed.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare GAMEPLAY - IS IT GOOD?
Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:39 am by RedKnight
Battlefield 1 looks like a BF4 remake. I have lots of issues at present. Maybe after BF1 is out for a few weeks... I could change my mind. But I have to find at a new game for SoF that has good Clan Support and good Clan controllable Private Servers. And EA/DICE seems to have left that world behind after BF3. So... we'll see.
Cod Infinite Warfare has been taking a beating on …
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: BF4 UPDATES & PATCHES Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:20 am
AS OF 12/11/13
Top Issues With Battlefield 4 Outlined In New Battlelog Post
In a recent Battlelog post made by trydling, a developer at Digital Illusions C.E., he outlines a new format of posts being added to the new forum section “The Control Room” which gives players a way to track the top issues plaguing their platform.
Here is the list of issues that have been fixed, are being fixed and ones that are being investigated.
Bug accounting for a quarter of the crashes on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live
EMP blur effect
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live
One-hit kill bug where players sometimes take damage twice from the same bullet
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live/in next patch
Loss of SP progress that can happen after quit and restart on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live
Game Mode ribbons are counted twice
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
4X damage from miniguns when using Defensive specialization
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
Players sometimes get stuck in kill cam after revive
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
Bug accounting for a majority of crashes on next-gen/PC
Platform(s): PC, PS4, X1
Status: Fixing
Players sometimes become spectators while still alive in Defuse mode
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
Players sometimes get stuck in revive screen
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing
Desynchronized game world where objects have different states for different players
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Join queue disabled on consoles
Platform(s): All consoles
Status: Investigating
Bug accounting for a large amount of crashes on X360
Platform(s): X360
Status: Investigating
Squad spawn sometimes positions you under the terrain
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Hit markers and crosshairs sometimes disappear
Platform(s): PC
Status: Investigating
Rubber banding issues for some players with solid Internet connections
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Some instances of no hit effects and no damage to opponent in your sights
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Damage received is sometimes delayed by a few frames
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Incorrect matchmaking on Xbox One
Platform(s): X1
Status: Investigating
Server browser filters are not fully functioning
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
Sudden frame rate drops during certain in-game events
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
The “Sound Loop Crash”
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating
For those of your who aren’t yet on the developer jargon, here’s what the statuses mean.
INVESTIGATING means we are aware of a specific issue and working to reproduce it. Often, getting a solid reproduction is what actually allows us to eliminate a bug in the end.
FIXING means that we have been able to reproduce an issue and are working on a fix. This might be a simple line of code or a larger task. Once we have the solution, we code, test and get it live. An issue with the label FIXING is on its way to being resolved.
FIX LIVE means that we have fixed the issue in a patch that has already gone live. For example, we had a bug that accounted for a quarter of all crashes on PS4. That issue was fixed in the latest PS4 game update that went live Dec 5. Many other issues are already addressed.
So what are your thoughts on the new issues tracker? Do you think DICE is making a comeback? Tell us in the comment section below.
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Battlefield Podcast : 158 - Patches, DLCs, Battlefield 4 China Rising and More!
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Re: BF4 UPDATES & PATCHES Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:32 pm
I've had some massive LAG and "screen jitter" in the last few BF4 matches I've been in. It was like playing on the PS2 again!! Guns still don't kill correctly!!! LOL
New Battlefield 4 patch brings lag issues: report
According to reports, the latest BF4 patch has resulted in lag spikes for PC gamers.
December 28th, 2013
DICE has been updating Battlefield 4 extensively lately, with several PC and console patches released in December. Each of the last two weeks has seen a Battlefield 4 patch released on the PC, fixing numerous performance and stability issues.
However, according to reports from gamers and Battlefield 4 server owners, the latest patch might have brought some problems with it as well.
The latest PC patch, released on December 20, has fixed some of the most common crashes on the PC, but it has apparently resulted in lag and lag spikes when playing. It’s unknown if this is the issue with the client patch or the latest server patch as well.
DICE has released over a dozen Battlefield 4 server patches since launch, and we’ve experienced a similar situation back in November, where a new server patch caused problems for players.
Reports from the official forums and on the Internet reveal a spike in reports about lag in the game, which seems to be occurring randomly, regardless of what server players are on. Some players have also reported of massive FPS drops on 64-player servers since the latest update.
While Battlefield 4 is still facing technical problems, there’s no denying that the game is much better now than it was back at launch. DICE is working on a new round of patches which should be released shortly after January 1st.
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Battlefield 4 netcode is still a problem (videos)
The game is still facing some problems with the netcode, despite numerous game updates.
December 30th, 2013
While DICE has done a lot of work to improve the netcode in Battlefield 4, it’s still far from perfect. When you factor in the lag issues brought with the latest patch, things aren’t looking as good at the moment, at least for some players.
The Battlefield 4 netcode is much better off now that it was back when the game launched, but the recent patch seems to have stirred things up a bit, and in a bad way.
As the videos below show, the netcode and lag issues still persist in the game. Granted, a lot of things are a factor here, such as a player’s Internet connection, ping, and the game server as well.
EA rushed Battlefield 4 to market, and is now facing a ton of consequences, including class-action lawsuits from investors, and they have put on hold all other games in development at DICE. There are even rumors that EA might offer a free DLC to players for all the Battlefield 4 problems.
Check out the videos below:
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Re: BF4 UPDATES & PATCHES Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:33 am
Battlefield 4 PS4 and PS3 Game Updates Incoming, Patch Notes
by David Veselka
Brand new Battlefield 4 game updates are incoming for both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 users.
The updates, similar to the PC patch that launched yesterday, look to improve stability while fixing a number bugs. On the PlayStation 3, it also re-balance both the attack and stealth jets, tweaking their handling and damage output. Check out the full list of patch notes for both platforms below.
Both PlayStation updates should be made available to download shortly after – if not as of – this writing. Stay tuned for news of Xbox One and Xbox 360 Battlefield 4 game updates, which we hope to hear about shortly.
January 14 Battlefield 4 PlayStation 4 Patch Notes
Various fixes for improving general stability
Fixed flickering in map and minimap on Rouge Transmission and Operation Locker
Fixed issue with player spawning under the map in Lancang Dam
Increased damage by 25% for the Stealth Jet 20mm cannons
Normalized repair rates across all vehicles. Vehicles with lower health points, like aircraft and transport vehicles, now repair more slowly than before
Fixed a bug where the M1 Abrams Coaxial HMG ammo box was occasionally blocking the driver’s camera
Fix for friendly marker not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members
Fixed problem with killer health in kill card not being correctly updated (showing 100% health even though the soldier was hurt)
EU Players: Fixed bug where game wouldn’t start when when the console was running in any of these languages: Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Czech, Brazilian Portuguese
Fix for bug where it looked like soldier was dying with 1 health instead of 0
Fixed a player feedback timing issue where blood was appearing before other damage indicators, and before damage was actually done
January 14 Battlefield 4 PlayStation 3 Patch Notes
Various fixes for improving general stability
Fixed a player feedback timing issue where blood was appearing before other damage indicators, and before damage was actually done
Fix for bug where it looked like soldier was dying with 1 health instead of 0
Fixed a bug where players’ rank icons on the scoreboard would not be updated
Normalized repair rates across all vehicles. Vehicles with lower health points, like aircraft and transport vehicles, now repair more slowly than before
Fixed problem with killer health in kill card not being correctly updated (showing 100% health even though he was just hurt)
Fix for friendly marker not always showing when needed to, resulting in players shooting team members
Fixed a bug where the M1 Abrams Coaxial HMG ammo box was occasionally blocking the driver’s camera
Increased damage by 25% for the Stealth Jet 20mm cannons
Stealth Jets now have more similar handling attributes to eachother. F35 & J-20 are slightly more agile, Su-50 is less agile
Attack Jets now have more similar handling attributes to each other, and all 3 are now slightly less agile than earlier
Fixed camera glitch when switching weapons while moving in crouch
Fixed an occasional bug where players could experience intermittent engine sound dropouts when driving wheeled IFVs
China Rising: Fixed animation glitch for motorbike passengers occurring when aiming
Fix for first and third person soldier animations being out of sync while doing transition changes. This could potentially make the player get hit while in cover behind a wall or other obstacle
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Re: BF4 UPDATES & PATCHES Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:51 am
Battlefield 4 Balance Tweaks Incoming – DICE Wants Your Feedback
Yesterday David Veselka
Battlefield 4 developers DICE are looking for your feedback on some important balancing tweaks the studio plans on pushing out to the game in the near future.
The majority of tweaks in question are related to vehicle balance, including attack boats, anti-air, jets, and tanks.
“We have a wide range of tweaks planned to further balance the core gameplay of Battlefield 4 in upcoming patches,” writes DICE in a recent blog post. “But we need your help in identifying next steps.”
“We have a lot of balancing items in the pipeline for our upcoming Battlefield 4 patches, and we will be able to share them and the rationale behind them soon. In the meantime, we would love to hear your opinions on some of the additional balancing ideas that we could add to the mix.”
The topics include:
You can visit the official blog post and vote for yourself right here. http://blogs.battlefield.com/2014/01/bf4-balancing-feedback/
Over on Twitter, Battlefield 4 game designer Alan Kertz has been rather busy suggesting fixes and looking for feedback. Here are a few of the things he had to say: https://twitter.com/Demize99
- “338-Recon, bolt action timer 1.4->1.25 to make it more appealing vs the M98B. Thoughts?”
In a follow up to this question, Kertz also clarified that the effects of the straight pull attachment that many carry concerns over are “as designed, but likely to be changed.” With regards to bolt-action rifles, Kertz is also “considering adjusting the bullet trail to make it easier to see the drop and travel distance.”
On to some more questions and suggestions:
- “Canister Shells on MBT and IFV. How would you buff them?”
- “Which main gun do you use on your Fast Attack Craft: 25mm? 30mm? Burst?”
- “Would you buff or nerf any of the cannons on the FAC?”
- “Was thinking: Higher Speed on the Burst cannon projectiles, smaller blast area on the 25mm projectiles. No change 30mm.”
Of course, the number of items the studio is looking into are not limited to Kertz’s Twitter list nor the items features in the official blog post. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for news of upcoming fixes in the coming days/weeks!
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: Re: BF4 UPDATES & PATCHES Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:41 am
More small updates, patches and Tweaks... but still nothing on the Major Issues and Problems facing BF4. Hopefully those will come later?
DICE details upcoming Battlefield 4 vehicle balance tweaks
Upcoming vehicle tweaks affect the mobile AA, scout and attack helicopters, and main battle tanks.
January 28th, 2014 IN News
Yesterday, DICE revealed plans to release a Battlefield 4 patch next week, and now they’ve revealed the first details about the upcoming vehicle tweaks. The tweaks will affect the mobile AA, tanks, attack helicopters, and scout helicopters.
The biggest change seems to affect the mobile anti aircraft vehicles (the Tunguska, LAV AD, and Type 95 AA). Many players felt that the mobile AA was overpowered, and they have been nerfed somewhat now.
The mobile AA now has reduced velocity on the 25mm gun, and carries two less rockets, from 6 down to 4. It also reduced the impact of the missiles so that they can’t flip over helicopters, and the active radar search missile now has to be aimed better in order to find a target.
The scout helicopter’s 25mm cannons have been reduced as well. These were too effective against infantry, and were mainly intended against vehicles. A lot of Battlefield 4 players have complained that the scout helicopters were way overpowered against infantry, especially when there is an engineer on board to constantly repair the helicopter from damage.
The attack helicopters (AH-1Z Viper, Mi-28, WZ-10) have their main gunner’s cannon damage increased, plus the direct damage of the Zuni rockets has been increased as well.
The tweaks also affect tanks and some rocket launchers. The MBT LAW gas been nerfed a bit when it comes to their “intelligence”, meaning that the player will have to aim the missile closer to the target. The M2 Slam anti-tank mine has also been nerfed. It now does maxiumum damage at 3 meter, instead of at 6 meters.
Finally, the tweak affects the main battle tank’s STAFF shell, which has its damage reduced by 25% against all targets. However, the tweak does not fix the “quick switch” trick, where players switch between the main and secondary weapon, greatly speeding up the reload time.
It’s unknown if the upcoming Battlefield 4 patch will include these updates, or whether they will be added later on.