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Modern Warfare 2021 War Clan & Gaming News
The New Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019, Will Release on 10/25/2019. CoD MW 2019 Contains Clan Support That Clans Need. We Will Build This Clan On CoD Modern Warfare 2019. Follow Intel Here:
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Multiplayer Gameplay Premiere August 1, 2019
Thu Aug 01, 2019 7:50 am by RedKnight
As of 8/29/2019, Most of my current SoF Clan news for CoD Modern Warfare 2019 can be found on a friends SOCOMFANS website. New updates to be added here as needed.
This could be great news for Modern Warfare Gamers on the PS4/5 and xBox1.
While we wait for H-Hour... if it ever gets here... and with the new WW2 Battlefield V coming this Fall and with BF1 and CoD WW2 out now... both crap games in my opinion... at least we have some hope for a great new War Shooter. If MW4 includes any Clan Support with Custom User Private Servers... MW4 will be pure GOLD!
Call of Duty: WWII review—The less things change…
Stripping out years of feature creep, but doesn't have anything to replace it.
Steven Strom - 11/8/2017, 2:00 PM
Call of Duty: WWII certainly has some interesting timing. It has the dubious duty of returning the landmark first-person series to its titular roots at a time when any game centered on fascism, nationalism, and especially Nazism …
CoD WW2 Fails At Multiplayer Game Play and more...
Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:29 am by RedKnight
Sadly, this last attempt to gain my multiplayer favor pushed me away even more and I probably won’t touch the CoD series ever again...
By Kyle Durant
Posted on 6th November 2017
I can already hear the fanboys crying out in unison and know this is going to be an unpopular opinion. Before you feed into your own anger, know that my …
This news from E3 is not good... but it might get better before game launch. If this doesn't get better (6 vs 6 for Clans?)... CoD WW2 won't be workable for larger online War Clans like us. Time will tell.
Call of Duty: WWII reveals a disappointing limitation for War mode
If you were expecting big-team battles, you might be a little disappointed.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare GAMEPLAY - IS IT GOOD?
Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:39 am by RedKnight
Battlefield 1 looks like a BF4 remake. I have lots of issues at present. Maybe after BF1 is out for a few weeks... I could change my mind. But I have to find at a new game for SoF that has good Clan Support and good Clan controllable Private Servers. And EA/DICE seems to have left that world behind after BF3. So... we'll see.
Cod Infinite Warfare has been taking a beating on …
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: BF4 EXTENSIVE REVIEW FOR THE PC AND XBOX360 Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:11 am
Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Review – A “Levolution” In FPS Gaming, Or Just Battlefield 3.5?
David Veselka November 05, 2013
Stockholm-based video game developers Digital Illusion Creative Entertainment must have known they were in for a bit of a tough time when they set out to follow up 2011′s Battlefield 3 with a direct and proper sequel, rather than a series of experimental spin-offs which the studio’s history indicated might have been the case.
With only a two-year development cycle, what could they do to innovate on an already massive online first-person shooter experience, while satisfying their hardcore audience as well as introduce newcomers to the series. The answer is quite a bit. Not only was the powerful Frostbite 3 engine born from this period, the same engine that would power a number of next-generation EA titles to come, but the studio managed to improve upon the past in some little and very big ways.
In the end, is it enough?
Battlefield 4 introduces a number of new ideas while reintroducing some old ones. Game modes like Obliteration and Defuse are fresh new ways to highlight the remarkable gameplay experience that Battlefield has to offer. Levolution, the next evolution in destruction, encompasses more than just a few scripted spectacles and adds a welcomed extra layer of gameplay. Player customization has reached all new heights while seamless integration with Battlelog, the game’s social and stat-tracking service, is rather impressive. Returning is a focus on a theater of war that wages on a more oceanic front while players will once again be allowed to take the commander’s seat in the revamped Commander Mode. But, much like Battlefield 3, in between these pillars of gameplay and features lies those finely-tuned minute-to-minute experiences that make Battlefield 4 the truly immersive experience that it is.
Before getting into whether or not Battlefield 4 earns it title as a proper sequel, let’s talk about the game’s launch, which, while it had its fair share of rough patches, was a significant improvement over Battlefield 3′s almost disastrous entrance onto the scene back in 2011. Make no mistake, there are issues to had and numerous bugs to bare witness to. Users suffer from mid-game crashes, especially on the PC version, while textures and sounds take a few good seconds to load in at times. In my personal experience on the Xbox 360, the end of my very first online match resulted in a hard freeze of my console, which, in turn, led to a corrupt save file, erasing any single player progress I might have achieved up to that point. While hit detection is greatly improved, it isn’t always consistent and can leave you scratching your head in moments of disbelief. “How did that guy kill me with what seemed like only one bullet from his assault rifle before even turning the corner?”
What surprised me, however, was the absence of any noticeable “lag” or “rubber-banding”. If the dedicated servers on which the multiplayer experience runs manage to pull through without over-loading, Battlefield 4 is a very playable title at launch. Sadly, the bigger some of these titles get and the more ‘connected’ they become, the shakier the launch. Battlefield 4 manages to sneak by relatively unscathed, in this regard. With a couple of server-side fixes and client patches, I see smooth sailing from here on out.
Upon first booting up Battlefield 4, you’ll notice a few major improvements right off the bat. Menus are incredibly responsive and easily navigable. While I dislike that the My Soldier tab no longer offers the ability to customize my soldier right then and there (it is now only available in-game or through the Battlelog), I really appreciate how clearly laid out rewards and progression for kits, vehicles and weapons are. Game options are more or less the same, save for the addition of a network smoothing slider and the extensive selection of color blind settings. Deuteranopia, Tritanopia and Protanopia options are all available. I wish there was a greater selection in controller layout options on the consoles, however, as there are really only two: Default and Veteran. Those wishing to return to the Battlefield 3′s layout will definitely want to switch over to Veteran, though no matter what selection you make, the Commorose/spotting function will always be binded to the Right Bumper/R2. It takes a bit of getting used to, but in the end, it’s a great way to incorporate this essential team-oriented feature into the console version of the game. Personally, I’d have been happier if we were given the option to at least switch sides for the grenade and Commorose functions, but I’ll live. Needless to say, this issue is irrelevant on the PC version as key bindings are customizable.
Thank the stars Quick Match now only throws you into official servers so you know exactly what you’re getting into. Those looking for a more customizable experience can visit the Server Browser that includes options for Official, Ranked, Unranked and Private servers. To newcomers, I highly recommend paying a visit to the new Test Range in order to get a good feel for everything Battlefield 4 has to offer. You can fiddle with the new in-game user interface, test out some weapons, and most importantly, practice your driving, piloting and navigating skills with all the land, sea, and air vehicles Battlefield 4 has to offer.
In-game, the heads-up-display has been cleaned up significantly, is less intrusive, and does a much better job at telling where to go and what to do at any given game mode. DICE has clearly taken feedback to heart and made the new kit selection screen a breeze to navigate. The new deploy screen is much more informative and intuitive. It even features a mini picture-in-picture screen that shows you a fellow soldier’s point of view before spawning in at that location. While managing the new five-man squads is rather simple, entering into a match with a group of friends on either the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 is not. There’s no real way to “squad-up” together and enter a match as a unit, though it is easy enough to send a few invites through the newly integrated Battlelog function while in-game. You’ll just have to cross your fingers and hope that they all end up on the same team, depending on the server population.
Unlocks are split up into a few different categories this time around. Ranking up kits earns you additional field upgrades and gadgets as well as the ability to use universal weapon classes like the carbines, shotguns and designated marksman rifles. Earning kills with a particular weapon class unlocks more weapons within that class, including side arms. By the way, there are a lot of weapons in Battlefield 4, which explains the alteration in the way in which they are unlocked. Lastly, levelling up your general rank earns you Battlepacks which reward you with random XP boosts, weapon attachments, knives, and camo paints, all which are merely cosmetic in nature. Ranking up a weapon to a certain milestone will also yield a weapon-specific Battlepack, supplying you with a number of attachments or paints for that weapon only.
As with all Battlefield titles in recent history, Battlefield 4 is best-in-class when it comes to visual fidelity, audio design, and the overall level of immersion that the technological advances of the Frostbite 3 engine provide. To be able to manage Battlefield 4′s expansive and destructible environments, large player counts, and numerous vehicles all while maintaining such an impressive level of graphical quality is truly a remarkable feat. Frostbite 3 even goes above and beyond in some instances with amazing weather effects and believable lighting and particle effects. But what is fancy graphics without engaging gameplay? Battlefield 4 doesn’t manage to disappoint in this regard either, though there are a few oddities here and there.
Battlefield 4 still holds true to it’s class-based design where kits like the Assault, Engineer, Support, and Recon all play a specific role with access to their unique arsenal of gadgets and weaponry. The selection of gadgets for each class has been overhauled for greater variety and increased mobility. No longer are classes like the Support and Recon tied to manning stationary gadgets that essentially remove you from the gameplay entirely. The effectiveness of the Recon kit has been increased significantly with the ability to once again wield C4 and even claymores. Though, in combination with the anti-vehicle capabilities of the Support and Engineer classes, it can severely hinder the effectiveness of tanks and other land vehicles. Five-man squads can now work together to progressively earn various Field Upgrades which provide minor but noticeable benefits, depending on your selection.
Though suppression capabilities have been limited to only light machine gun and sniper rifle users, weapons tend to handle with a little more kick than they did in Battlefield 3. That does, however, lend greater importance to the selection of weapon attachments. Primary weapons now boast four attachment slots instead of three, five if you include the paint slot, while side arms (which feel noticeable weaker in Battlefield 4, as they should be, one could argue) can now be customized with up to three different attachments. You’ll find options for different optic, accessory, barrel, and underbarrel attachments on all primary weapons. Most weapons can be equipped with one of three different styles of grips, for example, each with their own specific attributes that affect either the accuracy, stability, or hip fire spread of a weapon. Accessories now also include the option to install a magnifier behind any of the short range optics, or throw in some canted iron sights à la Medal of Honor: Warfighter, if you happen to be familiar with the mechanic. In general, weapon customization is satisfyingly deep and will have you spending hours looking for the right combinations for different maps and game modes.
Generally, moving and lean-and-peaking has never felt as fluid while shooting and weapon handling has never felt as solid in a Battlefield game. It all lends to some very fast-paced gameplay, especially at the 60 frames per second that the PC version can achieve and PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be able to achieve. Player animations have also been improved. I noticed a few times that soldiers would raise their hand when calling out for a medic or ammo, for example.
The vehicle game is a bit of a mixed bag in Battlefield 4. While there are technically more options with the introduction of jet skis and attack boats along with the segregation of stealth jets and bombers (stealth jets are fast-flying vehicles that excel at taking down other pilots while bombers are slower-flying vehicles that are more effective against ground targets), I don’t feel Battlefield 4′s vehicular combat is as “all out” as advertised. Amphibious warfare mostly feels like it was simply put back after it was taken away in Battlefield 3 while the air space in a lot of the maps seems to have been comparatively reduced. All three of the dogfights I haven taken part in dwindled down to me and the enemy endlessly circling each other in stealth jets that are really too fast to be all that effective until someone reluctantly decided to bail. It can also be rather difficult to maneuver in maps with high rise structures or set up gun runs thanks to the seemingly constrictive airspace. This, of course, really only affects jets. Scout, transport, and attack choppers have plenty of room to duke it out and are still among my favorite ways to engage in Battlefield 4′s vehicular offerings.
I can’t tell if it’s any worse than or similar to Battlefield 3, but the machine guns on many of the vehicles still seem rather ineffective due to either poor accuracy or lack of splash damage. And, as I mentioned above, tank drivers or users of other ground vehicles will need to be extra wary of additional explosive infantry munitions. I sense complaints of the tank’s effectiveness in the near future. But at this point in the game, it’s hard to get a real feel for that rock-paper-scissors balance between all of the vehicles and infantry, as it can take some serious time and dedication to unlock all the different abilities and upgrades.
Destruction in Battlefield 4 has taken a turn for the better with the introduction of Levolution and DICE’s refined philosophy behind map design. Battlefield: Bad Company/Bad Company 2 veterans will be happy to note that more buildings are now fully destructible while destruction in general is much more predictable. Walls that you think you should be able to blow up will likely blow up accordingly while pillars that hold up walkways, roads, or buildings can be taken out at will. It gives off a much better sense of control over the battlefield than that which you would find in Battlefield 3. So what’s the deal with Levolution? Is it all that it’s made out to be? Sure, the spectacular Levolution events that occur in all ten of Battlefield 4′s multiplayer maps (and only in modes like Conquest, Rush, or Obliteration) are gimmicky, but what other online shooter offers you the chance to take down an entire sky scraper, flood the streets of a small town, or send a giant satellite receiver crashing to the dish below? Admittedly, it can get rather distracting as, all too often, players would rather spend the entirety of a match shooting at a giant dam than capturing objectives (guilty as charged). But beyond that, Levolution also introduces other dynamic elements like changing weather effects, car alarms that set off after being tampered with, metal detectors that beep when walked through, or lights that break when shot at. More than anything, it makes the battlefield feel alive and adds even more to the already impressive sense of immersion.
Battlefield 4′s maps are unique enough from one another to offer a good sense of diversity. Your selection ranges from open-ended battlefields like Golmud Railway or Rogue Transmission, perfect for epic land or aerial battles, locales like Paracel Storm or Lancing Dam that offer satisfying battles on water, or close-quarters, infantry-focused areas like Operation Locker and Flood Zone. Golmud Railway, Glancing Dam, Paracel Storm and Operation Locker all stand out to me as maps that I would place my bets on to become some of the game’s more iconic maps. I’m certain that, soon enough, we’ll see plenty of 24/7 Operation Locker servers thanks to its hectic design that is heavily based on Battlefield 3′s most popular map, Operation Métro, but without those nasty choke points.
10 maps at launch may not sound like a lot, but the variety through which they are experienced via the game’s seven different game modes more than makes up for it. Battlefield 4 includes your standard offerings like Conquest and Rush, staples of the Battlefield series, as well as more commercial options like Team Deathmatch, Squad Deathmatch and Domination, first introduced to the series through Battlefield 3′s Close Quarters DLC. Unless you have a lot of patience or really like it, Conquest on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is still generally avoidable due to smaller player counts, especially with some of the more suitable options for consoles and new offerings like Defuse and Obliteration. Defuse is heavily inspired by the classic one-life-to-live Bomb Defusal mode (aka Search and Destroy) made famous by games like Counter-Strike, while Obliteration is something completely different and something I’m personally very excited about.
Obliteration tasks players with capturing a single bomb that randomly spawns somewhere near the center of a map that must then be taken to one of three enemy bases to be destroyed. The first team to obliterate all three enemy bases wins. It’s a finely crafted new mode that I think is a perfect fit for the Battlefield series for a couple of reasons: 1. It centers all the action on one specific point or one specific person. 2. It makes use of the entirety of any given map. 3. It promotes teamwork and vehicle play in a crafty way. 4. It’s perfect for adrenaline-seeking junkies that might not get as much out of any of the other modes. There are a few wrinkles that need to be ironed out, however. It should be kept to smaller player counts and definitely needs a timer, otherwise, nothing would ever get done in close-quarters maps like Operation Locker. Generally, Obliteration is an exciting new mode that feels right at home with fan-favorites like Conquest and Rush, while Defuse offers a more traditional and competitive experience for gamers with a more tactical edge.
Battlefield is one of the only games I will play with its companion app right next to me on my tablet at all times. That’s because DICE has really done it right. Through a neat and appealing interface, the Battlelog lets you easily check up on stats, player progress and swap out weapons or gadgets in the loadout screen on the fly, then push those changes to the game. PC users will find more use out of the browser version than console players, seeing as it is the launch hub for the game, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t something for everyone. Two very exciting features introduced along side the launch of Battlefield 4 are the Battle Screen and, of course, Commander Mode.
The Battle Screen, which has yet to fully launch on mobile devices and is only available for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game, will essentially let you use your tablet or second monitor as an enlarged and more detailed mini map. Chances are, a good chunk of you already have one or more displays surrounding your play area anyways, so you might as well make use of them.
Commander Mode, which can be accessed either in game or via the Battlelog on other devices, offers a great way to get involved in the fight in a more casual setting. The layout is easy enough to understand. Selecting a point of interest will bring up a command wheel that you can use to provide various UAV support or issue basic commands to a selected squad like attack or retreat. Allowing your squad assets to build up grant you the ability to drop supply or vehicle crates for your teammates. If you want to get really hands-on, you can zoom in using various view modes and call out enemies via VOIP. Like the deploy screen, you can also see what your squad is seeing via a mini display in the bottom right-hand corner. It’s a fun little distraction from the main game and an easy way to assist others in a more laid back fashion. It also feels pretty darn good dropping massive Tomahawk Missiles on attackers and getting squad members out of a sticky situation.
While Battlefield 4 might look visually similar to its older brother, it’s done more than enough to earn that ’4′ beside its name. Regardless of the scale of improvements it has made over Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4 is without a doubt the place to be for those looking for an all-encompassing online shooter experience filled with truly epic “only in Battlefield” moments. It certainly has a few kinks to work out and feels like it could have used an extra few weeks for polishing, but it certainly isn’t something patch or two couldn’t take care of. Otherwise, most of what is to dislike about Battlefield 4 comes down to preference alone as there is very little “wrong” with it. Even still, it’s gorgeous visuals, top-quality sound design, and unmatched gameplay on both large and small scales makes Battlefield 4′s allure undeniable and irresistible.
I’m giving Battlefield 4 and optimistic four and a half stars out of five on the basis that any technical issues affecting the game will be patched swiftly, as DICE has proven they are capable of doing in the past.
So, what do you think about Battlefield 4′s multiplayer? Is it deserving of that ’4′, or is it just a Battlefield 3.5? Sound off in the comments below!
This review was based on the retail version of Battlefield 4 on the Xbox 360 and PC.
Expect a “next-gen update” should the game differ drastically on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One come mid-November.
RedKnight Admin
Posts : 641 Join date : 2013-09-05 Location : Ohio
Subject: My BF4 Views... Concerns... And Fears! Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:03 pm
NOTE: Please check this over to make sure I've got my BF4 facts mostly correct. I may be posting this on Battlelog soon. Thanks
Here are some of the issues I have with the PS3/xBox version of BF4 so far.
BF4 on the PS3/xBox will never be all it can be on the old hardware.... it just can't. So many control items and options will never be seen in this game, as it will on the PS4 and xBox1.
I don't believe DICE will support BF4 on the PS3/xBox360 like it will support the PS4, xBox One and the PC in the future. This BF4 on the PS3/Xbox360 is truly BF3.5 with new maps, modes, some new goodies... and lots of problems and issues. I don't expect players playing this BF4 on the PS3/xBox360 a year from now... when they can afford to buy their PS4s and xBox1s. This game is destine for the used shelves at GameStop soon. It doesn't make sense for BF4 to be on the PS3/xBox360... like a number of games getting caught between the transition from the PS3/xBox360 to the PS4/Xbox1 this Fall. I see this as a quick cash grab and a waste of time, when DICE "should"... be putting all it's efforts into a new BF4 premier launch title, on the new 2013's consoles and bringing it's customers a more complete game, at the PS4/xBox1's launch. Give the Battlefield community a reason to buy a new console!!
This BF4 on the PS3 has no Private Servers. Squads and Platoons are broken in game. Squad Chat between the Squads is not working. Friends and Clan mates are lucky to get in the same Squad together... or even on the same side with each other, with a Server that is filling quickly from what I've read. So... you play with random kids and idiots without mics looking only to camp, shoot or snipe everything in sight. The game's objectives to these players... are not their goal.
Unlike BF3... 12 Clan members in this PS3/BF4, can't easily move between Squads to get in their correct Squads as in Bravo, Alpha & Charlie. That means you could and will be playing with randoms and you won't be able to talk to your other Squad mates in a different Squad from yours. Squad Chat with customizable Team Chat like we have in BF3 is a must! BF3s comms are not perfect... but they work. Of course those of us in BF4/PS4 TEAM CHAT will have comms in chaos with 20 or more players all talking at once or playing their music. If the mic comms don't work for Squads for basic tactics in BF4... this will not be acceptable to Teams, Clans and custom Platoons. This will only work for the BF4 player... that wants to up his K/D ratio. Battlefield will just become another arcade twitch war game like the old CoD games. Maybe COD Ghosts will do this better?
So.... what this means in my opinion, is that BF4 on the PS3/xBox360, is not a compatible sim war game for the Clans, as BF3 is on the PS3/xBox today. DICE has broken Clan Support for BF4 on the PS3/xBox360. The overriding question is.... Why?
Maybe DICE/EA didn't finished BF4 on the PS3/xBox360 and just rushed it to market for the Holidays, to make some quick extra cash. Sounds about right for a game developer, being pressured by EA to get something out on the PS3/xBox360... and just 2 weeks before the PS4/xBox1 hits the market. MAYBE... and that's a BIG MAYBE... in a few months, like DICE did with BF3... updates and patches will at least bring BF4 up to the same level as BF3 is today. If not... this BF4 will just become an arcade game for the COD players that pick BF4 up used at the Gamestops to put on their old PS3/xBox360s for a change from COD. This would be a disgrace to the name of Battlefield and sandbox Sim war gaming. I don't see BF4 on the PS3/xBox360 being supported like it will be on the PS4/xBox1. This happened to SOCOM4... and that is what killed the SOCOM name for the Clans and closed game developers Zipper's doors for good.
At this point... I don't see any reason to buy BF4 on the PS3. Leveling up... getting better guns and perks to transfer to BF4 on the PS4/xBox1 just isn't worth the effort of putting up with the weaknesses of this current BF4 on the PS3/xBox360. So... I'm waiting to get the PS4 and BF4 on Nov 15th.
Now... what if the PS4/xBox1's version of BF4 is basically the same game, as it is on the PS3/xBox360, with a few more options? Sure... we'll get Commander mode, Spectator mode, bigger maps, more players in a match, better graphics and the rest. But what if Clan Support remains broken with no Custom Clan Private Servers? No custom Squad support as in BF3? Comms between Squads remain broken and never fixed? You've got 6 - 5 man Squads in game with 2 guys running around by themselves? I suppose those 2 left overs, could be Recon Snipers. And you've got your Commander... that I understand can talk to his in game members through his iPad, PS4 or PC. But... just who can the Commander talk too? Everyone... or just a few of his team members in game?
I suppose DICE and EA can finish building and polishing BF4 on the PS4/xBox1, after their customers buy it. Maybe someday, SONY will give the new BF4 community, it's BF4 Private Servers as we have today in BF3. But how long will that take? 5 months, like DICE/EA & SONY did with BF3?? But remember... SONY is in deep financial red ink and is hoping their PS4 will bring SONY back to profitability and bury the xBox1 for good. And adding those BF4 Private Servers for the PS4, may just be to costly at this time to put up! Those BF3 Private Servers we play on today... are owned and maintained by SONY! And SONY makes a nice profit on their Servers!!
Did DICE learn anything with the debacle BF3 launch in October 2011, by not getting it to work correctly until the Spring of 2012?? If not... another COD game will again out sell a new Battlefield game. And BF3 still, has major ongoing issues in game and with it's Servers today in BF3!
I feel good that the PS4/xBox1 will be somewhat complete... with a few quick patches on launch day. And the rest of the PS4/xBox1's missing options will come or be fixed within a month or two. But I'm not so comfortable with BF4 on it's release day for the new consoles!
I'll buy BF4... and play it in it's broken state for now on my PS4... and hope DICE finishes it with good Clan Support, fixing it's broken options or missing options, adding our BF4 Private Servers and at least making the new BF4 on the new consoles, meet the standards we have today in BF3. If not... I don't see myself or the members of established War Clans & Platoons, playing BF4 for long and will just move onto other games or back to BF3... as long as the BF3 servers stay up and running.
But it's early. BF4 on the new consoles comes out in less than 2 weeks. A lot can be fixed, patched or added too, after it's in our hands for a few months. It may not be what we want or need at it's launch... and it may never be. If so... the BF4 Battlelog forums will be on FIRE with outrage, complaints and threats of players leaving BF4... and who could blame them? DICE usually gives up and gives in to our demands as they did with BF3, as best they could in time.
DICE and EA seems to want to create a Team Based sim war game for the new consoles... with 32 players and 1 Commander on each side. But 32 random strangers does not make a good tactical war team. DICE and EA need to go all the way and build in great Clan Support to make BF4 the only War Game worth buying for teams of friends to play together. Then Clan vs Clan Wars and real private war Tournaments can be possible. The E-Sports competition system built into BF4 is useless for us day to day players... that don't attend game conventions to use E-Sports there!!
Will DICE finish BF4 and build in the support we really need? They better... or real online sim war players (like the old SOCOM community that moved to BF3, the COD guys looking for a better experience and some ARMA players), will not stick with BF4 on the new consoles and will move on leaving Battlefield games in the dust of gaming history.
Last edited by RedKnight on Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
MacKaka SoF Committee
Posts : 34 Join date : 2013-09-06 Age : 28 Location : Scotland
Subject: Re: BF4 EXTENSIVE REVIEW FOR THE PC AND XBOX360 Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:11 pm
sounds good to me
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